Select your package

you can choose between the below packages and select the one that suites to your needs.

Quick Boost

Accelerate your learning with personalized tutoring sessions tailored to your needs

  • 1 to 4 tutoring sessions
  • Academic advice
  • Evaluation and progress report session
  • Learning plans and roadmaps
  • Cheatsheets and summery notes
Book Now

Focused Learning

Dive deep into challenging subjects with our experienced tutors guiding you every step of the way

  • 5 to 9 tutoring sessions
  • Academic advice
  • Evaluation and progress report session
  • Learning plans and roadmaps
  • Cheatsheets and summery notes
Book Now


Unlock your full academic potential through extensive tutoring support and expert guidance

  • 10+ tutoring sessions
  • Academic advice
  • Evaluation and progress report session
  • Learning plans and roadmaps
  • Cheatsheets and summery notes
Book Now